Regional Law n.23/07
The law regulates the Productive Districts and establishes the path for their acknowledgement and its main functions.
of the Puglia Creative Production District with DGR 2476/12.
Implementation Status
of the Development Plan
Regional Law n.23/07 The law regulates the Productive Districts and establishes the path for their acknowledgement and its main functions.
Petition signed for the acknowledgement of the Puglia Creative Production District
of the Puglia Creative Production District with DGR 2476/12.
Approval of the Code of Ethics of the Puglia Creative Production District.
Approval of the 2016-2019 Development Plan The Plan provides for 6 strategic actions and 28 projects for the development and consolidation of cultural and creative businesses.
Implementation Status
of the Development Plan
The governance of the Puglia Creative Production District is implemented according to the directives established in the statute. It lasts 3 years and is composed of a maximum of 13 members identified as follows:
In 2004 he founded the CoolClub cooperative, engaged in the production of cultural events, planning, communication. Since November 2016 he is vice president and manager of the Lecce territorial network of the Puglia Creative Production District.
Project manager and strategic marketing expert, founding partner and administrative director The Open Source Srl School (teaching, research, innovation), works professionally as a senior consultant in the development of business models, in the planning for financing measures and calls. Since November 2016 he has been vicar of the creative driven sector of the Puglia Creative Production District
Creative in Puglia is the third edition of the research dedicated to the economy of culture and creativity in Puglia, promoted by the Productive District of Creative Puglia and carried out by the Symbola Foundation.
The research aims to collect and analyze data on cultural and creative economy in Puglia, in order to estimate the private and profit component, and also the impact of culture and creativity in the territorial development.
The framework highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the creative economy of Puglia, pointing out the peculiarities, local experience and interconnections with the tourism supply chain. The overall objective is to provide policy makers, economic partnership and cultural operators with a working tool to support a fast-growing sector on the basis of a shared vision of consolidation and improvement.
The representative symbol, or trademark, of the Creative Puglia Production District draws inspiration from the depiction of the dopamine molecule, the neurotransmitter conventionally associated with the brain processes of creativity.
The stylization of the profile of the chemical symbol has been translated visually through an agglomeration of interlocking geometric elements: the clusters. These elements evoke in the recipient, in fact, the idea of a connection / network mechanism between the Apulian creative industries.
A dynamic solution to “tell” the identity of this institutional body that unites different realities, projected on European and international creativity markets. A sign that ensures a very universal figure and that, through the multi-functionality of the clusters (declined in many chromatic variations), proposes itself as a brand that overcomes the limits linked to the territory and transmits, beyond the knowledge of the chemical symbol, an idea positive and energetic district, pioneering experience at the national level.
Associazione Distretto Produttivo Puglia Creativa
Via Crispi n.5 c/o Officine Degli Esordi
70123 Bari
Tel: +39 371-3087348
CF 93432440720 P.I 07660920724
Project co-financed by the
European Regional Development Fund
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